A slippery slope, when those have lost hope
More than a Hill to climb
Turning first lady into president seems shady
In a debt to Bill for all time
In dire need, of a refreshing breeze
something to change the flow
Instead of blown, she's sunk like a stone
To be more of the status quo
How can we trust, when your husband lusts
And you're willing to look away?
We'll feel the threat of your, government predator
If you let him stray
From email locks to Wall Street talks
The scandals have made us all numb
Like Monica's dress, i feel like the best
Stain is yet to come
And still they are pimpin' Hillary Clinton
Can she Trump when her Daddys' loath?
Or trade common folk for brother's Koch
A Grandma in systemic greed's cloths
How can one stump for an arrogant chump?
We're left with the most hated choices
Stand up and shout, to take money out
So that they can hear our voices