Friday, December 21, 2012

Doug "more or" less

There once was a guy named Doug
With a schnoz too big for his mug
And although it looks tacky
When he wears all Khaki
I still want to give him a hug

Growing up in a brook that was “stony”
He must not have been a phony
Cause early in life
He met his wife
and has yet to pay alimony  

His driving test was no breeze,
But with Michigan and Harvard degrees
He learned in college
To be an “officer of knowledge”
So now he can do as he please

Just hanging with Zacky and Zoe
And Watching the little ones grow
But when Zoologist or Dancer
Are looking for an answer
Apa’s the one who will know

Lover of fossils and rocks
And sandals worn with socks
Inspired by Muppets
The use of puppets
Is incorporated into his talks

Blessed with a darn good Dad
We all didn’t turn out so bad
Taught that logic and reason
Is “in” every season
And for this we’re eternally glad

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Faith in Fate

Pretending we can just be friends
While knowing that is fake

Time with you has become a test
Of the torture I can take

It hurts so bad every time I leave
A wound that won't fully heal

Needing to come back for more
Just to be sure I can feel

Is there no undoing
Once you've mated my soul?

Is a heart already broken
If it’s never been whole?

I wish you knew I love you
But I haven't put up the fight

I’m afraid that I'd lose you forever
If the timing isn’t right

Believing in not knowing
I can only sit and wait

Looking for the stars to align
I have Faith in Fate.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Little Heathens Anthem

Born on a farm, with all the charm
Of the simple life’s true glory
It’s crazy to think, it’s all changed in a blink
So Grandma tell me a story

A chubby cheek smile, that stretches a mile
But don’t look till you see her coming
Without waste or want, always up for a jaunt
And a passion for life that’s humming

The umbrella hats, and love for cats
Are sweeter than a bowl of cherries
If you know the deal, an apple peel
Will tell you who you’re going to marry

An expert in plants, and how to hem pants
Is there nothing that you can’t do?
When Harry got fixta, with a regular shiksa
You made him the happiest Jew!

From making lard to joining the Coast Guard
This journey has taken you far
Cause we wouldn’t have known if you hadn’t shown
That everything can be stored in a jar
And the devil will find your idle mind
So you better start baking a pie
Cause we’re born without sting, and we fly without wings,
so let’s all sing till we die

With a pinch and a punch on the first of the month
Or you’ll always get the hind teat
I had no shoes and complained until
I met a man with no feet